Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick-or-Treating for the First Time

She took to it like a fish to water.  Her expression when Jo explained it to her seemed to say "Free candy!!!  And all I have to do is put on a fun costume?  Wow!  I'm in!"  She was even more amazed when Jo told her that afterward, for one night only, she could eat all she wanted.

She started out strong but after five houses said "Daddy, I'm tired. Can I go home now and eat my candy?"

And that is exactly what we did.  The first year of trick-or-treating was over and done.  She was easy on me.. as she always is. 


Anonymous said...

So cute,I know she got alot of candy.I`m glad she went easy on her Daddy.I can just picture her at home going through all her candy,I hope she doesn`t get a belly ache. What a cute Kitty she made,no one could turn her away emepty handed.Granny


To cute for words, and she looked so Happy!!!

I bet Gayle and Russ where tickled to have her come and knock, knock on their door, hope she made it to the Loziers and the Mitchell's.

It is so exciting and fun to see her grow and learn. I would have loved to seen the expression on her face as she was learning the "rules" of trick or treating.


erin said...

The Halloween after George and I got married, we took Chase trick or treating around to family members. We went to Mom & Dad's last. When we were getting out of the car he said, "this has been the best day ever."

Don't you just love how they react to things!

Love y'all!


And then came CHRISTMAS...;-) WOW life just kept getting better and better. LOL

Anonymous said...

River makes the most adorable Kitty, I think we would even let this kitty set on our couch..LOL Gretta

Lainey-Paney said...

So cute.
And man, she must have a lot of costumes! How on earth does she decide what to be???

Anonymous said...

I loved your trick or treat costume. You are too cute for Halloween!
Love Aunt Kim

Anonymous said...

An Absolutely Adorable Kitty you have there on your hands...

~Shawna Hornsby