Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shopping Time

She has her baby, her purse and is all dressed up and ready to go shopping!
River and her mini-cart have become quite popular at the local grocery store.

Not only does she have fun but it wears her out. Big naps usually follow.



that is just the sweetest thing I have ever seen...Andy was setting so big in his cart.

love the dress, and the heels...

love her so much.

Anonymous said...

The sweetest thing I have ever seen

Elaine from Baby Products

Rob said...

Thanks Elaine.. and thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

River your such a big girl, you are doing so good with your shopping skills, makes many of us girls so proud..And looking so beautiful too...Gretta

BBH said...

Adorable! River, you're quite the little shopper.