Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sleeping Big

In the blink of an eye..

.. from this..

.. and this..
.. to THIS!!

Where does all the time go?

Congratulations to my sweet daughter on graduating to her "Big Girl Bed". May she know nothing but sweet dreams ever after.



Almost want to cry. I am so excited for her, but, miss her being a little baby...The time does just fly by.
Congratulations, River, on your big girl bed. Looks beautiful in your room.
Sweet Dreams Always.
We love you, Memaw and Pepaw

erin said...

Almost, Marti? I need to start grabbing my tissues before I read these posts.

Aw, our sweet baby is growin up. Shew! Where does the time go?

We love & miss y'all!

Anonymous said...

Granny says,where has my baby gone.River,your new bed looks great in your room. Granny wishes you restful nights and sweet dreams.Miss you. Love Granny

Anonymous said...

It just too fast!!! ..Very nice new bed though...Gretta

Anonymous said...

I love your new bed. You are a big girl now!
Love ya,
Aunt Kim