Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wool Fest '10

For the third year in a row River made the journey to the Wool Festival.  Once again we enjoyed cool, crisp Fall weather, yummy food and the sound of Bluegrass Music echoing across the countryside.  River also enjoyed getting a close up look at farm animals.  As always, a fine way to spend an Autumn day.

Striking a sassy pose by the wagon.

Wide-eyed in the petting zoo.

Hugging a goat.

"Hello Ms. Porkchop."


Staring me down with her pop-gun in her lap.

"I'm your Huckleberry."
Enjoying a Happy Meal Sleepy Meal.

See how she has grown!  Click on the links below to see her previous visits to The Wool Festival:

Wool Fest '09
Wool Fest '08


Anonymous said...

You sure look like you had a good time.I really liked the picture of the three of you.River, I hope seeing Ms.Porkchop doesn`t change your eating habits. Love you all,Granny


We had a great time, even saw ELVIS!!! ;-)

erin said...

Jo, your hair looks really cute like that!

River looked like a lil cowgirl in her dark washed jeans and boots. She is growing more all the time.

Rob, you looked very nice too.

Love y'all!