Saturday, May 1, 2010

Adventure Runs in the Family

Recently while doing some Spring Cleaning, we found some photographs of River's Great, Great Aunt Creek Collier. Creek, even at a young age, was quite an adventurer. Here are a few of the photographs we discovered:

(Written on the back of photograph) "India, 1908. I have discovered the ruins of the lost Elephant Temple. Later we had iced creams."
. "Africa, 1908. I asked Mummy and Daddy for a monkey but they said NO. I went and found my own."

. "Louisiana Bayou, 1909. I made a new friend on the swamp tour. Mummy fainted."


"Sumatra, 1909. I like rhinos but they are stinky."

. River has the same sense of adventure. Lord have mercy on us all!


A great big "THANK YOU" to River's Aunt Cathy & Uncle Michael for the Family Membership to the Cincinnati Zoo! It is a fantastic gift that we all appreciate very much!


Another Adventure - Another Zoo




Sweet, 6lb, 5oz, baby Jesus...I about had a heart attack... I jumped out of my seat, and said...River has a great great Aunt named Creek!!!! and for a split second, when I saw the first picture, I thought, LORD she looks just like her... the nursing homes around here are pretty nice. There is a new assisted living home that looks great from the outside. You had me, really, had me for a minute.
Looks like a winner of a day. I should probably go lie down, my heart is still attacking a little... ;-)

Anonymous said...

You should've been a writter, Rob. I love all the pics of our girl, but your comments bring them to life. Love you all, Erin

Anonymous said...

Too Cute...Gretta

Cathy said...

Love these pics and so happy you had a great time! The membership is great year round and it gives you the freedom to not have to plan an all day thing... The girl can say... "I want to see the penguins" and you can literally go and see the penguins and then leave and do something else.

Love that kid!


Aunt C

Lainey-Paney said...

You JUST MIGHT HAVE TO start captioning our family photos.

Anonymous said...

Well Rob you had me going as well.. I am with them about you being a writer.. Your brain works way to hard!!! LOL .. Love the pictures!